Welcome to EXCITECH

Mokhoa oa ho etsa liphanele tsa thepa ea ka tlung?

Automation e fetohile mokhoa o ntseng o hōla 'marakeng.The panel furniture industry also has a custom furniture industry automation production line equipment in the development.Ke lisebelisoa life tse hlokahalang ho finyella tlhahiso ea thepa ea thepa ea mapolanka e itekanetseng?


Pele ho tsohle, ho tloha moleng oa tlhahiso ea thepa ea ka tlung ho tla sebelisoa lisebelisoa tsa ho lokisa lipoleiti:CNC Nesting, bander ea moeli,mochini oa ho phunya o mahlakore a tšeletseng.

Bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa ho lokisa lemati ke haholo setsi sa mosebetsi sa ATC.


Hajoale, EXCITECH e boetse e phethetse tharollo eohle ea tlhahiso ea lifeme bakeng sa tlhahiso ea thepa ea ka tlung, ho kenyeletsoa Panel Storage &retrieval, polokelo ea thepa, ho beha sehlaha, ho cheka, ho cheka, ho paka joalo-joalo, joalo ka feme e bohlale.

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Nako ea poso: Aug-14-2021
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