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Neha e Sebetsang le ho Ngola ka EXCITECH E4 Automation.

EXCITECH E4 Nesting with Automatic Pre-labeling ke theknoloji e tsoetseng pele e sebelisoang tšimong ea mechine ea CNC. Tlalehong ena, re tla tšohla likarolo, melemo le ts'ebeliso ea theknoloji ena.

Likarolo: EXCITECH E4 Nesting with Automatic Pre-labeling ke software e thusang ts'ebetsong ea ho haha ​​sehlaha le ho ngola pele mochining oa CNC. Software e etselitsoe ho ntlafatsa tšebeliso ea thepa le ho fokotsa litšila. Software e tla le sebopeho se bonolo sa ho se sebelisa se nang le likarolo tse kang ho hula le ho theola, le ponelo-pele ea nako ea sebele ea mokhoa oa ho haha. Software e ka sebetsana le ts'ebetso e rarahaneng ea ho haha ​​​​sehlaha mme e ka ntlafatsa tsela ea ho itšeha bakeng sa mochini oa CNC.

Melemo: Tšebeliso ea EXCITECH E4 Nesting e nang le Automatic Pre-labeling e na le melemo e mengata. Taba ea pele, software e ntlafatsa ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa, e lebisang phokotsong ea litšila. Molemo ona o fetolela ho boloka litšenyehelo kaha thepa e ka sebelisoa ka katleho. Taba ea bobeli, software e fokotsa nako e hlokahalang ho phethela ts'ebetso ea sehlaha. Ho ngolla thepa ka tsela e iketsang ho fokotsa nako e hlokahalang ea ho ngola thepa ka letsoho. Qetellong, software e ntlafatsa ho nepahala ha e ntse e ntlafatsa tsela ea ho itšeha bakeng sa mochine oa CNC.

Likopo: EXCITECH E4 Nesting with Automatic Pre-labeling e na le mefuta e mengata ea lits'ebetso. Software e sebelisoa indastering ea tlhahiso bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tse kang thepa ea ka tlung, likhabinete, mamati le lifensetere.


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Nako ea poso: Jan-22-2024
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