Enlarged Scope of Customization Is Called in Furniture Market

Customization is one of the hottest topics in the furniture industry in recent years, also EXCITECH has been engaged in providing smart factory and CNC machines for this industry for more than a decade. 

However, since 2017, the year in which the first customized furniture manufacturer in China was listed, the opinion that the growth of demand growth in customized furniture will be slowdown is frequently discussed. Recently, nine listed companies in furniture industry released their financial reports for the third quarter of 2019, according to these reports, all the nine companies’ revenue growth slowed down significantly, overall increase rate less than 30%.


Despite of this slowdown, experts held the view that there is still large potential for customized furniture industry, and revenue reports of the listed companies show that the strategy of customization in full product category brought pertinent companies considerable benefits.

Currently, cabinets are most popular customized furniture product, according to the revenue report of Oppein, for example, the increase in revenue is mainly contributed by customization of sanitary products and wooden doors, increase rates are 44.1% and 33.43 respectively.


Obviously, enlarging the scope of customization and making home-customization possible in one stop will be the most important way to realize the development potential of customized furniture industry.

Industry experts also emphasis that the demand in furniture customization in the Chinese third and fourth tier cities will increase significantly in few years, moreover, the market concentration in these cities, as well as in first and second tier cities, is not high, that means the customized furniture market is still open for new entrants


EXCITECH, committed to making your business a success by providing solutions necessary in achieving competitive advantages, will be your long-term partner in customized furniture manufacturing.

Sales Manager: Anna Chen

Mobile: +86-18653198309

E-mail: global@sh-cnc.com/anan@excitechcnc.com


Factory: No. 1832, GangYuanQi Road, High-Tech District Jinan, Shandong, China

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Post time: Nov-04-2019
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