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Tuam Tshoj CNC Ntoo Tshuab nrog 9kw Spindle Woodworking Nesting Router 1224

Product Detail

Peb Cov Kev Pabcuam

Ntim & Shipping

Upholstery Furniture Production Yeem:(Ob chav ua haujlwm Zone Model)

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◆ Cov tshuaj tua kab mob automated nrog tsis siv neeg thauj khoom thiab tshem tawm qhov system. Lub voj voog ua haujlwm tiav ntawm kev thauj khoom, zes, drilling thiab tshem tawm yog ua tiav, uas ua rau kev tsim khoom siab tshaj plaws thiab xoom lub sijhawm.
◆ Lub ntiaj teb thawj cov khoom xyaw --Italian high-frequency electro spindle, xws li system thiab laum bank, German helical khib thiab pinion drives, Japanese self-lubricating thiab plua plav-pov thawj square linear qhia thiab siab precision planetary iav reducers, thiab lwm yam.
◆ Muaj ntau yam tiag tiag - ua zes, routering, ntsug drilling thiab engraving tag nrho hauv ib qho. Nws yog qhov zoo rau cov rooj tog vaj huam sib luag, rooj tog hauv chaw ua haujlwm, khoom tsim khoom.

Ntoo qhov rooj, txee, vaj huam sib luag rooj tog, txee dai khaub ncaws, thiab lwm yam. Haum rau cov txheej txheem los yog kev tsim khoom.




E4-2128D E4-2138D
Mus ncig teb chaws Size 2500 * 1260 * 200mm 3140 * 1260 * 200mm 3700 * 1600 * 200 hli 2900 * 2160 * 200 hli 3860 * 2170 * 200 hli
Ua Haujlwm Loj 2440 * 1220 * 70 hli 3080 * 1220 * 70mm 3685 * 1550 * 70mm 2850 * 2130 * 70mm 3800 * 2130 * 70mm
Table Size 2440 * 1220 hli 3080 * 1220 hli 3685 * 1550 hli 2850 * 2130 hli 3800 * 2130 hli
Loading & Unloading ceev 15m / min
Kev sib kis XY Khib thiab Pinion Tsav, Z Pob Ntsia Hlau Tsav
Rooj Structure Nqus Rooj
Spindle zog 9.6/12 kW tsi
Spindle Ceev 24000r / min
Taug kev Ceev 80m / min
Ua hauj lwm ceev 25m / min
Cov cuab yeej Magzine Carousel
Cov cuab yeej Slots 8/12
Tsav Tsheb Yaskawa
Qhov hluav taws xob AC380 / 3PH / 50HZ
Tus tswj Syntec/OSAI


★Txhua qhov DIMENSIONS raug hloov pauv

Ntau lawm

ntau lawm

Hauv tsev
Machining Facility

hauv tsev

Tswj & kuaj


coj los ntawm Customer's Factory


  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Xov tooj kev pab cuam tom qab muag

    • Peb muab 12 lub hlis warranty rau lub tshuab.
    • Cov khoom siv yuav raug hloov pauv dawb thaum lub sijhawm lav.
    • Peb tus engineer tuaj yeem muab kev txhawb nqa technology thiab kev cob qhia rau koj hauv koj lub tebchaws, yog tias tsim nyog.
    • Peb tus kws tshaj lij tuaj yeem pabcuam rau koj 24 teev online, los ntawm Whatsapp, Wechat, FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, TIKTOK, xov tooj ntawm tes xov tooj kub.

    Thecnc chaw yog yuav tsum tau ntim nrog cov ntawv yas rau kev ntxuav thiab damp pov thawj.

    Fasten lub tshuab cnc rau hauv rooj plaub ntoo kom muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab tiv thaiv kev sib tsoo.

    Thawb lub rooj ntoo rau hauv lub thawv.


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