Welcome to EXCITECH

Yuav ua li cas siv EVA hauv ntug banding tshuab kom ua tiav 0 kua nplaum kab ntug banding.

rooj tog ntse ntug banding project 3

1. Xaiv high-purity ntug sealant nrog cov ntsiab lus calcium uas tsis tshua muaj. Cov xim ntawm cov kua nplaum yuav tsum yog tib yam li ntawm ntug banding daim kab xev.

2. Xaiv lub phaj nrog me me thiab tsis zoo deformation.

3. Xaiv cov ntug banding nrog tsawg impurities thiab calcium hmoov, thiab ntug banding txawm nyob rau hauv hardness.

EVA hauv ntug banding tshuab 1 EVA hauv ntug banding tshuab 2 EVA hauv ntug banding tshuab 3

Yog li cas peb tsim peb tus kheej 0 kua nplaum kab ntug banding tshuab?

Peb yuav tsum ua li cas hauv peb lub neej niaj hnub?

1. Ntxuav lub lauj kaub roj hmab thiab cov roj hmab hauv lub sijhawm kom tsis txhob muaj qhov thaiv ntawm cov roj hmab qhov hluav taws xob los ntawm carbide.

2. Zam kom tsis txhob muaj lub siab ntawm lub log lamination siab dhau lawm thiab tom qab ntawd extruding cov kua nplaum kab.

3. Kev khawb ntau dhau yuav ua rau cov kua nplaum ntau dhau.

Zoo ntug sealing nyhuv tsis tuaj yeem sib cais los ntawm kev saib xyuas thiab ua tib zoo ua haujlwm ntawm cov khoom siv. Koj puas tau kawm?

EVA hauv ntug banding tshuab 4 EVA hauv ntug banding tshuab 5 EVA hauv ntug banding tshuab 6

Xa koj cov lus rau peb:

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Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: Sep-19-2024
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